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Input/Output Structure

Control how input and output data is structured in your API.


Input and output structures define how data is organized when procedures are executed, affecting how input data is processed and how output data is formatted in the HTTP response.

import {  } from '@orpc/contract'
import {  } from '@orpc/server'
import {  } from 'zod'
const  = .({
  : 'detailed',
  : 'detailed',
// or
const  = .({
  : '/ping/{name}',
  : 'POST',
  : 'detailed',
  : 'detailed',
    : .({ : .() }),
    : .({ : .() }),
    : .({ : .() }).(),
    : .({ 'content-type': .() }), // please use lowercase
  .(({ ,  }) => {
    return {
      : 'the body',
      : {
        'x-custom-header': 'custom-value',

Note: You only need to define the input and output schemas according to your requirements. The example provided above is solely for demonstration purposes.

Input Structure Options

The inputStructure option determines how the input data is structured based on params, query, headers, and body.

  • 'compact': Combines params and either query or body (depending on the HTTP method) into a single object.

    • For example, in a GET request, params and query are combined.
    • In a POST request, params and body are combined.
  • 'detailed': Keeps each part of the request (params, query, headers, and body) as separate fields in the input object.

    const input = {
      params: { id: 1 },
      query: { search: 'hello' },
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: { name: 'John' },

Output Structure Options

The outputStructure option determines how the response is structured based on the output.

  • 'compact': Includes only the body data, encoded directly in the response.

  • 'detailed': Separates the output into headers and body fields.

    const output = {
      headers: { 'x-custom-header': 'value' },
      body: { message: 'Hello, world!' },

Default Behavior

  • inputStructure defaults to 'compact'
  • outputStructure defaults to 'compact'

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